Youth Action Project (YAP)
What is YAP?
YAP is a safe and challenging space for youth committed to understanding and dismantling white supremacy, white privilege, and other forms of oppression. The project includes institutes, conferences, and leadership activities.
Led by a team of experienced facilitators, the project is geared toward middle and high school youth of ALL ethnic backgrounds. YAP gives them a chance to connect with peers and work together for equity, love, and justice through self, organizational, and social transformation.
YAP happens in coordination of #WPC and #WPC. However, if you are interested in hosting YAP in your area, please email us.
YAP is designed for students to come away with strategies to make change when they see, name, act, and continue to make a difference for the community.
1. SEE and be fully aware of the multiple manifestations of white supremacy, white privilege, and other forms of oppression.
2. Have the courage and confidence to NAME white supremacy, white privilege, and other forms of oppression.
3. ACT by taking effective, creative, and urgent measures to dismantle white supremacy, white privilege, and other forms of oppression.
4. PROCEED as leaders, planting ongoing seeds of change.

Youth 1-Day Institutes
Middle School Students
(Grades 6-8)
A basic one-day exploration of white privilege, the MS institute provides an introduction to tools for dismantling the “isms” associated with white supremacy.
High School Students
(Grades 9-12)
A basic one-day exploration of white privilege, the HS institute examines manifestations of white supremacy. It provides introductory tools for dismantling the “isms” associated with white supremacy. Students connect through real conversations and engaging dialogue.
Youth create their own methods to address white privilege in their schools and communities.
“...I was inspired to make a change about what I say and to not judge people before I met them. I learned about many things, and I plan to bring back my knowledge about breaking down stereotypes back to the Athenian community..."
– Alex C.
Leadership Activities Include:
Mastery of key terms: white supremacy, white privilege, oppression, ally, and racism
Ethnic affinity groups
Youth-friendly film viewing with adult allies
Individual and group reflection
Regional action planning
Youth led dialogue
Arts based breakouts

Youth Summer Leadership Institute
High School Students
(Grades 9-12)
Our motto is simple…One week of your life will change the rest of your life.
Designed as an immersive, week-long, and cell-phone-free experience, participants focus on mind, body, and spirit. It inspires, challenges, informs, and equips young people with the skills to be world leaders tomorrow through fun, creative, and interactive activities.
While building friendships that last a lifetime, participants gain practical skills, tools, and strategies for addressing complex and challenging issues related to diversity, power, privilege, and equitable leadership.
Camp staff includes counselors from diverse backgrounds, colleges, and youth organizations.
“Through the various workshops, lectures, activities, and interactions with others, I became exposed to new perspectives and sympathetic towards others’ hardships. And most importantly, I was able to become more comfortable with myself...”
– Elliot L.
Leadership Activities Include (but not limited to):
● Workshop sessions
● Keynotes
● Performances
● Outdoor activities
● Service work
● Networking with community leaders